Welcome To our American Indian Art store!!!
We carry the finest in American Indian Art. 
Featuring Vintage Pueblo Pottery

Southwestern Pottery at very reasonable prices.
Pottery from Jemez, Santa Clara, Acoma, Zuni, Sioux, Hopi, Zia, and Navajo tribes/pueblos.

Call 1-480-570-3378 for more info or to order by phone.  Enjoy your browsing!
Page last updated 02/12/25

Native American Pottery under $50
Pottery priced Under $50

Native American Pottery $50-$100
Pottery priced $50 - $100

Acoma Pottery
Acoma Pueblo Pottery

Hopi Pottery
Hopi Pottery

Jemez/Walatowa Pueblo Pottery
Jemez Pueblo Pottery

Navajo Pottery Collection
  Navajo Pottery

Santa Clara Pueblo Collection
Santa Clara Pueblo Pottery

Zuni Pueblo Collection
Zuni Pueblo Pottery

Pueblo Owls
Sold Out

Native American Pueblo Animals pottery/sculptures
Pueblo Animals

Native American Storytellers
Story Tellers

Christmas Figurines, Santa's and Snowmen
Christmas Figures

Native American Made Arrows

Ceremonial Attire
Ceremonial Attire
Navajo Flutes
Paintings by Jimmy Yellowhair

Peace Pipes
Peace Pipes

Rugs and Rattles
Rugs and Rattles

Wall and Table Art
Wall art

Replica Frontier day Weapons
Replica Frontier day Weapons
Tomahawks/War clubs/knives
Hopi Katsina's and sculptures
Hopi Katsinas, Sculptures and other table/shelf Art

Hand made Items from other countries
Coming Soon

We are fortunate enough to have a Featured article sent to us by Jenny Smedley.
She is an Author in the UK that recently wrote a piece on kachinas and kokopelli after visiting Arizona.

We at American-Indian-Art.com are Christians and believe in the Holy Word of God. 
We therefore sell these items as home decoration items and do not subscribe to any spiritual beliefs regarding this cultural art
These items are sold as art.  We hope that you might find the links below helpful in pursuing God's will for us.

Free MP3 downloads of the King James Bible

Free download able King James search engine


Bows and quivers

Ceremonial Attire




Peace pipes




Featured artist

Letters from satisfied customers

Terms of service/
Shipping info

Shipping charges are based on time zone.  Click here to see our shipping cost breakdown..

I buy direct so you save,  We have been in business since 2000 and plan on many more years of service.

We use Priority Mail from USPS to ship most orders, It usually takes 4-7 days for them to arrive.
Larger items may take a few days longer.

We accept, Credit accepted, plus Pay pal and we use a SSL Secure Server for your protection!

Call  1-480-558-5345 to order by Phone or use our SSL Secure Online system
Satisfaction guaranteed!   Look at our letters from satisfied customers

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Arrow of light

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Native American Art | Southwest Décor | Indian Art | Indian Arrows | American Indian Bows

Pots 100-200

Indian Art makes great Christmas gifts for that hard to shop for person!